Webhosting FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding Buttobi.net Webhosting

What files can be uploaded?

* Although there is no limit on the number of files, the size of a single file cannot exceed 1.5 megabytes. This also applies to uploaded CGI scripts and files that such scripts upload.

Please understand that files over 1.5 megabytes will be deleted automatically. 1.5 megabytes is treated as 1,500,000 bytes.

* Although there is no restriction on the amount of disk space that can be used, please understand that if you use over 100 megabytes, or use more disk space than can be considered as necessary to create a normal homepage, and no access is made to the disk space being used, it may be judged as being used only for file storage.

Jul 07 07:07 | Troubleshooting | 管理

