Webhosting FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding Buttobi.net Webhosting

I can't upload properly with FTP.

If the FTP stops whilst logged in and does not upload properly, please try using PASV mode. If that does not work properly, please use the File Manager.

If you set PASV mode but still cannot login to the FTP, please consider the following possibilities.

* You are already logged in
You cannot login twice from the same account at the same time. Please upload the files from the FTP client that is already logged in.

* One person has made several FTP connections at the same time

* The FTP is congested
As there is a limit on the number of connections that can be made to the FTP at the same time, you may not be able to login when the FTP is congested. Also, intensively trying to login repeatedly creates a high load for the server. Please be aware that if we find that users have been doing this on numerous occassions, it may lead to account deletion. Please leave at least a 30 second gap between login retries.

* No data was transferred for 60 seconds
If no data is transferred in a 60 second period, you will be disconnected automatically. If this happens, please login again.

Jul 07 07:07 | FTP settings | 管理

