Webhosting FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding Buttobi.net Webhosting

I want to easily upload files...

Please use the Buttobi.net File Manager.

Details of each function are clearly shown on the File Manager screen.

(1) Folder Information
Details of the current folder are displayed.

(2) URL
The URL for your homepage is displayed.

(3) File List
A list of files that have already been uploaded is displayed. From here file names and types can be changed, and files can be deleted.

(4) Create Folder
Enter the name for the folder name that you want to create.

(5) Upload
Files can be uploaded by clicking browse, selecting the files to upload from your PC, and clicking the upload button.

(6) Finish
Click this button once you have finished making any changes. Please be careful, as if you don't click it, changes will not be saved.

Jul 07 07:07 | File Manager | 管理

